Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Anticipations for Oviedo, Spain

First off I'm very excited to be studying abroad in Spain this summer, it's like a dream come true.
I'm fairly easy to get a long with so I'm pretty sure I'll have a good time with the people I'm traveling with as well as my host family. I'm very close to my family now, so I hope I can create a special bond with my host family for the weeks I am there. Having them do my laundry may take some getting use to, but I'm pretty sure I'll miss it once I come back home and have to do my own.
I understand a fair amount of Spanish now, more than I can speak unfortunately, so I think I will struggle most with coming up with things to say in response to people especially in a decent time. I hope I will catch on to this quickly as time passes.
As for my biggest fear, it's mainly just safety. However, I know there's safety in numbers and this program is one of the most successful at the University. I think I've just seen too many movies is all. :)
Traveling to Europe in general is one of the many things I am excited for, I have never been over there at all. Also, I'm excited to see everything Spain has to offer and see how much my Spanish can improve from this experience!

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